Friday, September 13, 2013

Daddy Versus The Suck Monster

Are you a guy planning to get married and have kids? You need to read this book first. A memoir of first-time fatherhood, Daddy Versus The Suck Monster details the nature and extent of challenges the author experienced with the birth of his first child Keller – aka “The Suck Monster” (the book explains better whence comes the moniker).

Joseph Matthew Nespoli makes full use of his humor to show readers what it is like to be a father for the first time, how it rewards the man as well as bounds the once free-roaming single guy. As a new dad, the author’s challenges ranged from changing stinking diapers to an intimacy crisis with his spouse and embarrassments in public places. At the same time, the new life now breathing – and crying at the oddest of hours – galvanized the machine of life in ways never experienced before. His baby, as readers will feel in the book, is the ultimate gift of life, warts and all. 

In the book, in different chapters, readers also get to know 20 “Essential Rules of Parenting” – witty and attention-grabbing inferences derived from the “thrilling” parenting experiences narrated therein. There is some light-hearted, at times sharp-toned commentary on social issues, usually involving family, gender roles, and stereotypes.

With an adorable cover title showing the little cute “monster”, this book is one of those not-to-miss reads for would-be fathers and humor lovers.

ISBN: 978-1489533975

Monday, September 09, 2013

Reena’s Bollywood Dream

Jewel Kats always writes special books addressing the most important needs of children, particularly of Reena’s Bollywood Dream is unique in that it takes an Indian girl as its central character and shows how her dream of becoming an actress in Bollywood makes her the pick of a sex predator.
young girls.

The story has a great lesson about the innocence of a child’s dream and her bad experience with a relative who tries to take advantage of her by appearing as a source that could lead to the realization of her dream. Reena’s character shows courage, honesty, and intelligence.

Also lovable are the illustrations by Richa Kinra.

This book is a must-read for all kids, especially for young girls so many of whom grow up with fantasies of becoming a showbiz girl and this fantasyland prays on their healthy inhibitions. It is also for parents and teachers of all cultures who need to protect their children from sexual abuse.

ISBN: 978-1615990146